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Snack Packs

Snack packs consist of mostly non-perishable food items that will provide nourishment when resources are low.

Hygiene Kits

Hygiene kits are prepared for men and women and can last a recipient 1-3 days. This offering may provide a means to cleanliness that is needed when restroom facilities are not accessible. This kit not only builds the self-esteem of the user but is a courteous gesture to all who share space with this person.

Donated Clothing

Donated clothing is laundered before delivery and distributed at planned site locations where outreach is scheduled like parks or outside institutions where the receivers are located. Other distribution sites are homeless daycares and shelters where the population is greater.

Blessing Boxes and Blessing Backpacks

Blessing boxes and blessing backpacks are distributed in December for Christmas. The supplies generated for this event are donated by some of our partners (maybe add a link to that part of the site). Members of these organizations collect needful items (like hygiene and snacks) along with thoughtful items such as books, meal cards, daily bus passes, hats, scarves, gloves, and other gifts.

Warm Nutritious Meals

Warm nutritious meals are delivered monthly to a local women’s shelter. These meals accommodate women from a variety of backgrounds who have secured housing and are on a path to becoming self-reliant.